Hurst Vetter Mini Lifting Bag 19.5 ton - 116 PSI
The versatile mini-lifting bags enable you to free injured persons quickly and smoothly, lift even the heaviest loads in a single smooth movement, pus, press or split- whatever your situaiton might need. The optimized surface progile on the Vetter mini lifting bag is no match for even the slipperiest of surfaces, such as sand or grass. The special safety coupling prevents unwanted disengagement of the hose from the lifting bag.
Quality Guaranteed:
- Insertion heights as low as 0.98 inches
- Safe and reliable, even on difficult inclines
- German made quality
- Stackable up to 2 bags
- Aramid-reinforced
Quality Guaranteed:
- Individually tested
- Safety factor greater than 4:1
- Compliant with EN 13731
- 3-year guarantee